Apple Final Cut Express HD User Manual
Page 1126

audio clips 1020
Bezier handles 732, 738, 1079
clip handles 283, 510, 528
described 1087
drag handles 527
velocity handles 741, 742
voiceover clips 638
wireframes 708, 710–717
hard disks
available space 173
calculating space needs 155
data transfer rates 153–159
determining needed space 180
fragmentation 1072
heat buildup 156
multiple disks 153
naming 51
problems with 1071
problems with disk space 181
removable media 154
seek time 154, 157
selecting 156
space required for projects 154–155
spindle speed 154, 157
sustained transfer speed 157
types of 157–160
hard drives
real-time playback and 870
speed of 874
hard recording method 966
See also video equipment
third-party hardware 1075
hardware. See audio equipment, equipment
harmonics 581, 645
Apple Intermediate Codec 210–214
capturing with scene breaks 212
described 207
Easy Setups for 211
exporting as QuickTime movie 213–214
outputting to tape 213
HDV camcorders 208
HDV devices
connecting to computer 210–211
HDV format 1041, 1087
HDV formats
Final Cut Express support 208
specifications 214–216
HD video
head clips 1087
headphones 567, 571, 630
headroom 584, 599, 1087
heads of clips 510
heat buildup 156, 160
help features 1069
Hi-8 format 1056, 1088
hiding items
columns in Browser 72
portions of clips 792
thumbnails 72
hiding tracks 315
high definition video
anamorphic video and 1062
formats 1028
frame rates 1051
high definition video format
pixel shape 764
stills from 771
Highlight generator 852
high-range frequencies 641
hinted QuickTime files 1005
Hinted Streaming option 1005
Histogram 1088
hold mattes 805
home stereo systems 162
HSB controls 672, 860
hue 1088
adjusting 841, 844
described 831
font color 860
Hue, Saturation, and Brightness controls 672
Hue controls 672, 839
Hue Matching controls 841, 844–848
Hue Reset button 839
Hum Remover filter 564, 644–645
icons in Browser 915–916
icon view 70, 74–76, 281–282, 322–323
iDVD 242, 977
audio 974
compression markers 976
using 971–974
IEEE 1394b connectors 1044
I-frames 973, 974
Image+Wireframe mode 707, 736
Image+Wireframe setting 89
image control filters 679
image dimensions 274
Image Mask filter 682, 824, 825–826
images. See graphics, still images
image sequences 997, 1012–1013, 1088
Image setting 89