2 analog input signal calibration – Pulsafeeder Pulsar DLC User Manual
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2. Navigate to the Change Constants menu by pressing [CAL]. The {CALIBRATE / PUMP FLOW}
menu is displayed. Press [ENTER] twice. The {FLOW CALIBRATION / 1 POINT} menu is
displayed. Press [UP] until {CALIBRATION / TUNE} is displayed. Press [ENTER] to accept and
continue with the {CALIBRATION / TUNE} menu. The following screen is displayed:
0.1000 G
Using [UP] or [DOWN] enter the volume displaced for 1 minute of pump flow at the current stroke
length. The percentage value displayed represents the net pump output. Press [ENTER]. The pump
will now display the 5.775 GPH value at the 60.0% stroke setting. Internally, the DLC has retained the
slope calculated at the last calibration and has off-set the flow curve to satisfy the current reading
7.1.2 Analog Input Signal Calibration
The DLC will accept analog input signals of 0-20mA, 4-20mA, 1-5mA, or 1-5 volts. The analog input
signal should be calibrated to the system. To perform a calibration, the signal generating device (e.g.,
PLC) must be powered up, wired to the DLC and capable of altering its output from minimum to
maximum signal.
You are calibrating the Analog Input Signal to the percentage of calibrated flow. The 0% and 100%
values displayed in this section refer to a percentage of Flow not Stroke Position. For example: In a
high pressure application, the PULSAR begins discharging fluid at 10% stroke length. Thus it has
0% flow at 10% stroke. If you calibrate 0% = 4.0mA, and then input a 4.0mA signal the DLC will
adjust the stroke length to 10%.
Analog Input Calibration
Use the following procedure to calibrate the Analog Input:
The Analog Input controls the DLC Calibrated Stroke Length. For more information about the Analog
Input signal, refer to Section 7.2.15 Analog Mode.
1. Press [CAL]. The {CALIBRATE / PUMP FLOW} screen is displayed.
2. Press [UP] to scroll to the {CALIBRATE / ANALOG IN}.
Press [ENTER] to go to the calibrate analog input sub-menu.
3. The display shows the previous 0% and 100% flow analog signal calibration values:
0% = 4.0mA
100% = 19.8mA
If you would like to skip the calibration and change only the Signal Ratio, press both [UP] and
[DOWN] simultaneously. Skip to step 6. Pressing both [UP] and [DOWN] can also skip either the
min. or the max. calibration.
Press [ENTER] to continue with Analog Input Calibration..
4. The display prompts you to input the minimum analog signal value, 0% flow.
0% = XX.XmA