Pulsafeeder PULSAtron Series ET User Manual
Manual addendum pulsatron series et

The PULSAtron Series ‘ET’ pump is slightly different then the ‘E+’ pumps with an external pace option. An
externally paced ‘E+’ will actuate the solenoid once per water meter contact, the series ‘ET’ will run at
maximum stroke rate for a preset time every one(1) or ten(10) water meter contacts depending on the mode
switch setting. The meter input is specifically for a dry contact water meter. The water meter output is an
isolated dry contact output that duplicates the state of the water meter allowing a single water meter to run
more than one pump. The mode selection switch has six positions, they are:
1. Standby: The pump will remain off in this state, just as in any other pump. The water meter input
and outputs are disabled in this mode.
2. On: The pump will work like a standard “E+” Series pump in this mode. The water meter input and
outputs are disabled. The percent of scale knob adjusts the frequency that the pump strokes.
3. 200SEC/1CT: The pump will run for a set time for every water meter contact. The percent of scale
knob is used to select the run time from 2-seconds (1%) to 200-seconds (100%).
4. 200SEC/10CT: The pump will run for a set time for every 10-water meter contacts. The percent of
scale knob is used to select the run time from 2-seconds (1%) to 200-seconds (100%).
5. 20MIN/1CT: The pump will run for a set time for every water meter contact The percent of scale
knob is used to select the run time from 0.2-minutes (1%) to 20-minutes (100%).
6. 20MIN/10CT: The pump will run for a set time for every 10-water meter contacts. The percent of
scale knob is used to select the run time from 0.2-minutes (1%) to 20-minutes (100%).
NOTE: In modes 3 thru 6 the water meter output will mirror the state of the water meter input and
the pump will run at maximum stroke rate for the selected time.
L9407300-000 Revision 20-A-9