HP OneView User Manual
Page 309
$rawRestoreResponse = setup-request -uri $fullRestoreUri -method "POST" -accept "application/json" -contentType
"application/json" -authValue $authinfo -Body $body
$restoreResponse = $rawRestoreResponse | convertFrom-Json
return $restoreResponse
catch [Net.WebException]
Write-Host $_.Exception.message
##### Check for the status of ongoing restore #####
function restore-status ([string]$authinfo = "foo",[string]$hostname,[object]$restoreResponse,[string]$recoveredUri
= "")
Uses GET requests to check the status of the restore process.
.PARAMETER authinfo
**to be removed once no longer a required header**
.PARAMETER hostname
The appliance to connect to
.PARAMETER restoreResponse
The response body from the restore initiation request.
.PARAMETER recoveredUri
In case of an interruption in the script or connection, the Uri for status is instead obtained
through this parameter.
None, does not accept piping
None, end of script upon completion or fail.
restore-status *$authinfo* -hostname $hostname -restoreResponse $restoreResponse
restore-status -hostname $hostname -recoveredUri $recoveredUri
# append the appropriate URI to the IP address of the Appliance
if ($recoveredUri -ne "")
$fullStatusUri = $hostname + $recoveredUri
write-host $fullStatusUri
$fullStatusUri = $hostname + $restoreResponse.uri
# create a new webrequest and add the proper headers (new header, auth is needed for authorization)
$rawStatusResp = setup-request -uri $fullStatusUri -method "GET" -accept "application/json" -contentType
"application/json" -authValue $authinfo
$statusResponse = $rawStatusResp | convertFrom-Json
$trimmedPercent = ($statusResponse.percentComplete) / 5
$progressBar = "[" + "=" * $trimmedPercent + " " * (20 - $trimmedPercent) + "]"
Write-Host "`rRestore progress: $progressBar " $statusResponse.percentComplete "%" -NoNewline
catch [Net.WebException]
$errorResponse = $error[0].Exception.InnerException.Response.getResponseStream()
$sr = New-Object IO.StreamReader ($errorResponse)
$rawErrorStream = $sr.readtoend()
$errorObject = $rawErrorStream | convertFrom-Json
Write-Host $errorObject.message $errorObject.recommendedActions
catch [System.Exception]
Write-Host "`r`n" $error[1].Exception
if ($statusResponse.status -eq "SUCCEEDED")
Write-Host "`r`nRestore complete!"
C.2 Sample restore script 309