HP Surestore 6164 Switch User Manual
Page 131

Web Tools User’s Guide
Switch View
Following is a description of the fields on the Port Settings tab:
Port Number
Port Number.
Trunking Enabled
Check to enable or uncheck to disable trunking. Four trunk ports form
a group, with one of them in the role of master port, and the group can
have member ports.
Port Enabled
Check to enable or uncheck to disable ports on the switch.
Current Port Speed
Click to display the current port speed. Port speed can be fixed to 1G,
2G, or negotiate 1G (N1G) or negotiate 2G (N2G). If the speed is set to
negotiate, the speed will depend on the negotiated result.
Change Port Speed
Click the drop-down menu to change the port speed. Port speed can be
changed to 1G, 2G, or negotiate. If the speed is set to negotiate, the
speed will depend on the negotiated result.
Click to save the changes made to the tab and to exit the tab.
Click to save the changes made to this tab and to stay in the current tab.
Additional changes can be made and the Apply button pressed when
making changes incrementally.
Click to exit the current tab. If changes have been made but not
committed by clicking the Apply button, a dialog box displays.
Click to reset the tab to the last set of committed changes. If the Apply
button has not been pressed on this tab, the parameters are returned to
the original values the tab had when it was initially displayed.