Yokogawa RotaMASS 3-Series User Manual

Page 221

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IM 01R04B04-00E-E 8th edition March 01, 2011 -00

All Rights Reserved. Copyright © 2003, Rota Yokogawa

pEd-data on the name plate of rCCT3x

1) Year of manufacturing

2) Max. permitted pressure at room temperature, for other temperatures see table

3) Max. permitted temperature range

4) Test pressure, for standard units without value, because in this case generally

PT=1.5 x PS

5) Material of medium wetted parts with pressure load

Operation restriction:
The operator is responsible that no corrosion and/or erosion is caused by the medium, which reduces the
safety of the unit as pressure vessel. Corrosion and erosion can make the unit fail and can lead to the
endangering of persons and facilities. If corrosion and erosion are possible, the integrity of the tubes has to
be checked periodically.
The following usages of the instruments are not permitted:
- use as climbing aid (e.g during assembling work on pipe system)
- use as support for external load (e.g. support for piping) or tray surface for heavy tools (e.g. during piping
- Material removal by any kind of machining (e.g. drilling, sawing etc.)
- Painting of the name-plate
- Brazing or welding of parts to the instrument
- Any repair, modification or supplements or the installation of spare-parts is only permitted if it is done in
accordance to this instruction manual. Other work must be agreed by YOKOGAWA beforehand.
YOKOGAWA will not take over any liability for damages caused by unauthorized work on the instrument
or prohibited usage of the instrument.

rating of flange connections
The user must dimension bolts and nuts as depending of pressure, temperature, flange material and seal, so
that the flange connection remains tight in the expected operating conditions.
The basic of calculation may be:
- EN 1515 part 1+2 (bolts and nuts)
- EN 1591 part 1+2 (flanges and seals)
For certain sealing materials it may occur that the sheet thickness of the flange at utilization of the full
pressure range (eg, PN) is no longer of sufficient size.
The user is responsible to take necessary measures before ordering, for example:
- selection of flanges with higher pressure rate
- selection of flanges with a flange face which is more thick as according standard