Yokogawa RotaMASS 3-Series User Manual
User's manual
Table of contents
Document Outline
- 1. Introduction
- 1.1 Using the Coriolis Flowmeter Safely
- 2. Transportation and Storage
- 3. Product description
- 3.1 The functional principle
- 3.2 The Integral Type RCCT34 to 39/IR
- 3.3 The Remote Field-Mount Converter RCCF31
- 3.4 The Remote Rack-Mount Converter RCCR31
- 3.5 The Remote Detector RCCS30 to 33
- 3.6 The Remote Detector RCCS30 to 33 /Tx
- 3.7 The Remote Detector RCCS34 to 39/IR
- 3.8 The Remote Detector RCCS34 to 39/IR /Tx
- 3.9 The Remote and Integral Type RCCx39/XR
- 3.10 Measurement system and applications
- 3.11 Name Plates
- 4. Installation
- 5. Basic operating procedures
- 6. Operation via HART
- 7. Parameter description
- 7.1 Overview
- 7.2 Parameter list
- 7.3 Parameter tree, Display menu
- 7.4 Parameter tree, HART menu
- 7.5 Mass flow functions (Basic or Detailed Setup)
- 7.6 Volume flow functions (Basic or Detailed Setup)
- 7.7 Density functions (Basic or Detailed Setup)
- 7.8 Temperature functions (Basic or Detailed Setup)
- 7.9 Velocity functions (Detailed Setup)
- 7.10 Analog 1 functions (Basic or Detailed Setup)
- 7.11 Analog 2 functions (Basic or Detailed Setup)
- 7.12 Pulse/Status output 1 functions (Basic or Detailed Setup)
- 7.13 Pulse/Status output 2 functions (Basic or Detailed Setup)
- 7.14 Status input functions (Basic or Detailed Setup)
- 7.15 HART output (Detailed Setup)
- 7.16 Totalizer functions (Basic or Detailed Setup)
- 7.17 Flow direction function (Detailed Setup)
- 7.18 Concentration measurement (Detailed Setup)
- 7.19 Net flow (Detailed Setup)
- 7.20 Slug detection (Detailed Setup)
- 7.21 Empty pipe detection (Detailed Setup)
- 7.22 Corrosion detection (Detailed Setup)
- 7.23 Detector data (Detailed Setup)
- 7.24 Autozero (Diag/Service)
- 7.25 Reading maximum fluid temperature (Detailed Setup)
- 7.26 Option /GA for Gas Measurement
- 8. Self-diagnostic and Troubleshooting
- 8.1 Error descriptions and countermeasure
- 8.2 Reading Event + Error History (Diag/Service, Self test/Status)
- 8.3 Self test (Diag/Service)
- 8.4 Signal- and I/O-Test (Diag/Service)
- 8.5 Output trim
- 8.6 Detector cleaning
- 8.7 Troubleshooting
- 8.7.1 No indication
- 8.7.2 No key-setting possible
- 8.7.3 No HART communication
- 8.7.4 Unstable zero
- 8.7.5 Disagreement of indication with actual flow rate
- 8.7.6 Disagreement of indication with actual density
- 8.7.7 Disagreement of indication with actual temperature
- 8.7.8 Discrepancy of output signals to the assigned measurand
- 8.7.9 Setting "Burn-out" mode
- 8.8 Detection of metering tube failure
- 8.9 Customer Maintenance Part List
- 9. Explosion protected type instruments
- 10. PED (Pressure Equipment Directive)
- 11. Technical Data
- APPENDIX 1. Software change History
- APPENDIX 2. Safety Instrumented Systems Installation
- A2.1 Scope and Purpose
- A2.2 Using Rotamass 3 for a SIS Application
- A2.2.1 Safety Function
- A2.2.2 Safety Accuracy
- A2.2.3 Diagnostic Response Time
- A2.2.4 Setup
- A2.2.5 Proof Testing
- A2.2.6 Repair and Replacement
- A2.2.7 Startup Time
- A2.2.8 Firmware Update
- A2.2.9 Reliability Data
- A2.2.10 Lifetime Limits
- A2.2.11 Required Parameter Settings
- A2.2.12 Environmental Limits
- A2.2.13 Application Limits
- A2.3 Definitions and Abbreviations