Clear-Com Tempest2400 User Manual

Page 92

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Tempest®24 00 2 -Channel Wireless Intercom System

Full Duplex: Simultaneous two-way conversati ons (i.e. telephone communicati on).

GPIO: General Purpose Input Output – a simple device control method.

Half Duplex: Two-way conversati ons, one-way at a ti me, such that one person cannot interrupt the other (i.e. walkie-talkie).

IFB: Interrupted Feedback, or Interrupted Fold-Back - The IFB system connects control room personnel such as the director,

or producer with the performers or “talent.” The performer wears a small earpiece that carries the program sound unless

the director or another member of the producti on team interrupts the program sound with special instructi ons through

the IFB.

iSelect On-Command Roaming: Permits the BeltStati on user to select the BaseStati on appropriate for the current locati on

or acti vity.

License Free: The 2.4 GHz ISM band is approved for non-licensed use in virtually every country. It is the responsibility of

the user to ensure that the system is operated in accordance with local laws and regulati ons.

Lithium-polymer batt ery: A rechargeable batt ery that provides long lasti ng, reliable power, with a minimum of space and

weight, uti lizing lithium based chemistry in a stable polymer.

Loop -Thru Connectors: Allow multi ple BaseStati ons to share a common channel.

Master BaseStati on: A Tempest BaseStati on that powers the 2-Wire Hybrid circuitry in itself and up to 9 additi onal

BaseStati ons across the looped-thru shared channel. The Master BaseStati on provides power and line terminati on.

Mix Minus Signal: A mix of all audio that the BeltStati on user needs to hear, minus the audio coming from the BeltStati on


Pairing: A programming process that allows a BaseStati on and BeltStati on to recognize each other.

Seamless Roaming: Allows BeltStati ons to roam freely from one coverage zone to another without additi onal adjustments

to the user setti ngs such as with iSelect Roaming..

Slot: One of fi ve ti me intervals in the FHSS TDMA RF schema. Each BeltStati on occupies a slot. Also, one of the fi ve display

locati ons on the BaseStati on LCD screen.

Stage Announce: A Tempest system feature that permits connecti on of the BaseStati on to a public address system (PA),

and allows a BeltStati on user to be heard through the PA. The opti on includes a relay that can be used to acti vate the PA


Status Screen: Normal operati onal mode screen on the BaseStati on or BeltStati on LCD display.

T-Desk Soft ware: Soft ware, used to confi gure and monitor the Tempest Intercom System with a computer over a Local Area
