Master mode – Clear-Com Tempest2400 User Manual
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Tempest®24 00 2 -Channel Wireless Intercom System
Master Mode
Master Mode is a Tempest BaseStati on functi on that allows multi ple BaseStati ons to share audio without the presence of an
external hardwired intercom system power supply. Master Mode provides the necessary system terminati on to the 2-Wire
hybrid circuitry in each of the Tempest BaseStati ons, so that common audio transfer can take place. Each BaseStati on in a
linked system provides its own power for audio. Either a single channel or both channels can be linked.
The only limit to the number of BaseStati ons that can be linked to share an audio channel is the impact of multi ple RF
sources in close proximity. As the number of BaseStati ons goes up and they begin to compete for RF spectrum, the range
will begin to decrease. See the secti on on Accu-Sync and the secti on on Antenna Locati on, to minimize the eff ect of RF
competi ti on.
It is necessary to use Master Mode when two or more Tempest BaseStati ons will be linked to share audio, and an external
hardwired intercom system is NOT present to provide power. When an external 2-Wire intercom system is connected to
Tempest, the external 2-Wire intercom system provides the required power and system terminati on and Master Mode is
automati cally disabled.
On the BaseStati on that will be set to Master Mode, set the 2-Wire Intercom Type Select slide switch to the Clear-Com
positi on. Master Mode only works in Clear-Com mode. If “RTS” or “BAL” is selected, an att empt to set the BaseStati on as
master will result in an error message. If the slide switch is changed from Clear-Com to RTS or BAL, Master Mode will turn
OFF, and it will be necessary to return to the “Multi -Base Setti ng” menu to re-enable Master Mode.
On slave BaseStati ons, set the slide switch to Clear-Com.
On each BaseStati on, set the shared intercom channel(s) to the 2-Wire mode. Master Mode only works for channels
selected for 2-Wire connecti on.
Connect the appropriate intercom channel(s) of each BaseStati on that will share audio using the 3-pin XLR male and female
connectors on the back of the BaseStati on.
Complete all setti ngs and connecti ons before acti vati ng Master Mode. Set one BaseStati on to Master Mode. Master Mode
setti ngs are found at the “Set Base as Master” screen under the “Multi -Base Setti ngs” main menu selecti on. It is only
possible to set one BaseStati on as Master. The words “Master Mode” appear in the top line of the BaseStati on display,
to the right of the BaseStati on name, when Master Mode is acti ve. An att empt to set a second BaseStati on as master, will
result in an error message. It does not matt er which BaseStati on in a linked series is set to Master Mode.
Slave BaseStati ons – those not set as master – detect the master BaseStati on as a Clear-Com connecti on.
An att empt to set a BaseStati on to Master Mode while connected to a 2-Wire system, will result in an error message. If a
BaseStati on has “Set Base As Master” fi rst turned ON, and an external hardwired intercom system is connected later, the
Tempest BaseStati on will turn OFF Master Mode.
The “Set Base As Master” setti ng will remain ON through a power cycle.