Zsync technology, Pre-requisites, Zero sync hop dongle – Clear-Com Tempest2400 User Manual
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Tempest®24 00 2 -Channel Wireless Intercom System
ZSync Technology
Zero Sync (ZSync) technology has been developed to enable Tempest’s Seamless Roaming feature as well as greatly
enhance the performance of non-roaming multi -BaseStati on Tempest installati ons. The ZSync technology provides a more
sophisti cated form of BaseStati on synchronizati on over the older Accu-Sync technology. To uti lize ZSync technology either
a Zero Sync Dongle or a Parallel Zero Sync Generator is necessary to act as the source of the ZSync signal. These devices are
sold separately. All Tempest BaseStati ons conti nue to support and provide Accu-Sync synchronizati on signals. It is, however,
strongly recommended that ZSync technology be used whenever there is a multi ple BaseStati on confi gurati on.
With traditi onal Accu-Sync technology, BaseStati on transmit/receive cycles are coordinated so that all of the BaseStati ons
are transmitti ng at the same ti me. This prevents one transmitt er from desensing nearby receivers. Traditi onal Accu-Sync
does not, however, coordinate anything in the frequency domain. ZSync technology combats turn-on to turn-on variati on
by providing a zero sync reference that coordinates the hopping patt erns of all connected BaseStati ons. ZSync technology
ensures that, in additi on to transmit/receive ti ming, there is a fi xed relati onship between all of the BaseStati on’s radio
frequencies every ti me the system is powered up irrespecti ve of random ti me variati on in power-up sequences. Assuming
that the Network Numbers for the BaseStati ons have been set properly, there will be virtually no unit to unit interference
even with up to 11 BaseStati ons in a system when using ZSync. This is true for roaming as well as non-roaming applicati ons.
In additi on, in roaming confi gurati ons, ZSync allows the BeltStati ons to know exactly what frequency a given BaseStati on is
operati ng on at any given ti me. This allows for very fast detecti on and switching from one BaseStati on to another. The use
of ZSync technology is required for all roaming applicati ons.
All Tempest Wireless equipment (roaming or non-roaming) must have Radio fi rmware version 1.18 or higher to fully
uti lize ZSync. Tempest equipment with radio versions below 1.18 will sti ll uti lize the Accu-Sync porti on of the ZSync
signal, but will not gain the added benefi ts.
All Tempest BaseStati ons to be used in a roaming applicati on must have the same ZSync reference. For more
informati on on roaming applicati ons see the secti on on Seamless Roaming in this manual.
Zero Sync Hop Dongle
The Zero Sync Hop Dongle (ZSync “dongle”) provides a precise, zero reference synchronizati on signal to each connected
Tempest 2.4GHz BaseStati on. This signal aligns the hopping patt erns and transmit/receive ti mes of all connected
BaseStati ons to produce the best possible multi -base, collocated RF performance.
The ZSync dongle connects to the BaseSync IN port of the fi rst collocated BaseStati on. Each additi onal BaseStati on is then
daisy-chained via the BaseSync ports of each sequenti al BaseStati on. If any BaseStati on loses power in this confi gurati on,
all remaining sequenti al BaseStati ons will not receive the ZSync signal. Therefore, the ZSync dongle is best uti lized in
installati ons where all BaseStati ons are in use and/or powered on at all ti mes.
Allow up to one minute for all of the BaseStati ons to see the zero sync reference in the
ZSync signal and thus become “zero synced” with all of the other BaseStati ons. Prior to this
ti me the BaseStati ons are likely not fully coordinated.