Maximum number of collocated systems – Clear-Com Tempest2400 User Manual
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Tempest®24 00 2 -Channel Wireless Intercom System
Maximum Number of Collocated Systems
Factors that aff ect the maximum number of systems that may be collocated in any given locati on include:
The existence and extent of harmful interference caused by in-band external radiators.
Number of BaseStati ons.
Number of BeltStati ons per BaseStati on.
Whether or not Accu-Sync or ZSync is being employed.
Physical locati on of BaseStati on antennas (either on BaseStati ons or on Transceivers).
Physical locati on of the BeltStati ons.
Specifi c hopping patt erns selected.
Environment (wide open, refl ecti ve, through walls…).
Favorable system conditi ons include:
Locati ons with litt le or no interference from other 2.4G Hz devices will provide the best opportunity for a large
number of collocated systems.
Proper use of Accu-Sync or ZSync resolves potenti al desensing issues.
Antennas of any parti cular system should be separated from every other system’s antennas by at least 10 feet (3
meters) for best collocated system performance.
BeltStati ons operati ng at similar distances from their respecti ve BaseStati on antennas provide the best opportunity
for sati sfactory performance of a large number of collocated systems.
Network Number confi gurati on should be set up to ensure each system’s hopping patt erns are confi gured properly.
See the secti on on Network Number for more informati on.
Environment can play a big role in RF system performance. Every locati on is diff erent and has its own unique set
of challenges. Generally speaking, locati ons with very long paths to very refl ecti ve surfaces tend to be the most
diffi cult for digital wireless communicati on systems due to the prevalence of inter-symbol interference.
With all factors listed above being favorable, a maximum of 11 Tempest systems, each with fi ve BeltStati ons (in Normal
Mode), may be collocated with minimal or no user-perceived impact on system range or performance.
The additi on of one or more adverse conditi ons will limit the number, eff ecti veness and range of collocated systems in any
given environment proporti onally to the extent of the adverse conditi on(s).