Clear-Com Tempest2400 User Manual
Page 67

Tempest®24 00 2 -Channel Wireless Intercom System
When an external 2-Wire hardwired intercom system IS present:
Set the 2-Wire Intercom Type Select Switch to the proper type and select 2-Wire mode. Connect the hardwired
intercom to the BaseStati on. In this confi gurati on, each connected Tempest BaseStati on intercom channel will receive
power and terminati on from the wired intercom system. The Tempest BaseStati on functi ons as an additi onal wired
beltpack from the perspecti ve of the connected 2-Wire system.
Connect either male or female (male and female connectors are electrically identi cal) 3 pin XLR from the 2-Wire
intercom channel to be shared, to the BaseStati on that will use the intercom channel. Loop to other BaseStati ons
as needed. Repeat for all channels to be shared. See the Wired Intercom Interface secti on in this manual for more
informati on about connecti ng to external wired intercom systems.
When using an external 2-Wire hardwired connecti on, only channels that are
connected to a wired intercom will be able to share audio between BaseStati ons.