Basestati on setup, Steps to setup the basestati on, Choose a locati on – Clear-Com Tempest2400 User Manual
Page 29: Basestati on locati on

Tempest®24 00 2 -Channel Wireless Intercom System
BaseStati on Setup
Steps to Setup the BaseStati on
Choose a locati on for the BaseStati on
Choose an antenna locati on and confi gurati on
Maximize performance
Confi gure operati on features
Set Frequency Band
Set Network Number and Lockout Key
Name each BaseStati on and BeltStati on (opti onal, but encouraged)
Set Stati c or Dynamic Display
Confi gure opti onal features
Choose a Locati on
A Tempest BaseStati on mounted in an equipment rack with opti onal cables and mounti ng hardware.
Tempest is a radio system. Choosing a locati on for your Tempest BaseStati on and the associated antenna is one of the most
important factors to ensure proper system operati on and achieve maximum operati onal range. As covered in the
Informati on
Theory of Operati on
secti on of this manual, broadcasti ng and receiving RF signals can be greatly aff ected by
physical and electromagneti c barriers.
Following the guidelines below for selecti ng a suitable BaseStati on and antenna locati on will help to ensure that your
system operates properly and achieves the maximum possible operati onal range.
See the Antenna Confi gurati on secti on of this manual for details about recommended cable type and other important
informati on about connecti ng the antenna to the Tempest BaseStati on.
BaseStati on Locati on
The locati on of the BaseStati on is important, but it is the locati on of the antenna that will ensure maximum system
performance and operati onal range. Whenever possible, locate the BaseStati on in close proximity to the desired coverage
area. If this is not possible consider using the opti onal Remote Transceiver to achieve opti mal antenna positi oning. It is
not recommended to use RF coaxial cable lengths longer than 25 feet to remote the antenna, as this will degrade system
performance and operati onal range.
The BaseStati on must have a source of electric power available. This can be either AC or batt ery (DC) power.
The front panel of the BaseStati on must be accessible for confi gurati on.
The front panel may be used as a communicati on portal.
The rear panel must be accessed for making wired system connecti ons.
The Tempest BaseStati on should be in a locati on that has adequate venti lati on and is not subject to extreme
temperatures and humidity.
Avoid areas subject to water or rain.
Always use a stable and secure platf orm or rack mount system.