Extron Electronics MS9500 HD FrEND Plus User Manual
Page 102

Switzerland. Tel: 011-41-22-717-2221. Fax: 011-41-22-717-2481.
Ethernet (IEEE
A type of high-speed network for interconnecting computing devices. Ethernet
can be either 10 or 100 Mbps (Fast Ethernet). Ethernet is a trademark of Xerox
Corporation, Inc.
Grand Alliance
The United States grouping, formed in May 1993, to produce "the best of the
best" initially proposed HDTV systems. The participants are: AT&T, General
Instrument Corporation, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Philips
Consumer Electronics, David Sarnoff Research Center, Thomson Consumer
Electronics and Zenith Electronics Corporation.
The format proposed is known as the ATSC format.
See also: ATSC.
Group of
In an MPEG signal the GOP is a group of frames between successive I frames,
the others being P and/or B frames. In the widest used application, television
transmission, the GOP is typically 12 frames but this can vary-a new sequence
starting with an I frame may be generated if there is a big change at the input,
such as a cut. If desired, SMPTE timecode data can be added to this layer for the
first picture in a GOP.
High Definition Television. The 1,125-, 1,080- and 1,035-line interlace and 720
and 1,080-line progressive formats in a 16:9 aspect ratio. Officially a format is
high definition if it has at least twice the horizontal and vertical resolution of the
standard signal being used. There is a debate as to whether 480-line progressive
is also high definition. It is the opinion of Electrosonic that that 480-line
progressive is not an HDTV format, but does provide better resolution than 480-
line interlace, making it an enhanced definition format.
Huffman coding
This compresses data by assigning short codes to frequently occurring sequences
and longer ones to those less frequent. Assignments are held in a Huffman
Table. The more likely a sequence is to occur the shorter will be the code that
replaces it. It is widely used in video compression systems where it often
contributes a 2:1 reduction in data.
I frames
One of the three types of frames that are used in MPEG-2 coded signals. These
contain data to construct a whole picture and are composed of information from
a single frame (intraframe). The original information is compressed using DCT.
See also: B frames, P frames, MPEG.
Data reduction based on coding the differences between a prediction of the data
and the actual data. Motion compensated prediction is typically used, based on
reference frames in the past and the future.
Short for interlaced scanning. Also called line interlace. A system of video
scanning whereby the odd- and even-numbered lines of a picture are transmitted
consecutively as two separate interleaved fields. Interlace is a form of
Video coding within a frame of a video signal
ITU-R BT.601-2:
Formerly known as CCIR 601. This international standard defines the encoding
parameters of digital television for studios. It is the international standard for
digitizing component television video in both 525 and 625 line systems and is
derived from the SMPTE RP125. ITU-R 601 deals with both color difference
(Y, R-Y, B-Y) and RGB video, and defines sampling systems, RGB/Y, R-Y, B-
Y matrix values and filter characteristics. It does not actually define the electro-
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