6 adding media to the project, Adding media to the project – EVS XEDIO CleanEdit Version 3.1 - January 2011 User Manual User Manual

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Issue 3.1.B

Xedio Suite Version 3.1 – User’s Manual – CleanEdit

EVS Broadcast Equipment – January 2011



When you have identified the media required in the database using either the XT
Clips or Media Manager tabs, you can add it to your media, to your edit, or directly
to the timeline by clicking on it and dragging it onto one of the Project sub-zones.

Each drag action produces a different result. The possible actions are explained in
the table below.

If you do not want to place the media directly in the timeline, ensure that
the Fill icon is not active


You want to …

You need to …

Add the media to the project, without
further action.

Drag and drop the media to the Media

Add the media to your project and in
the Clip zone, but not to the timeline.

Drag and drop the media to the Edit zone
or Clip zone without activating the Fill

Add the media to your project, in the

Clip zone, and place it at the end of
the timeline.

Activate the Fill icon, then drag and drop

the media to the Clip zone.