7 adjusting audio transitions, 8 removing audio transitions, Adjusting audio transitions – EVS XEDIO CleanEdit Version 3.1 - January 2011 User Manual User Manual

Page 172: Removing audio transitions, 7 on, Djusting, Udio, Ransitions, Emoving

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Xedio Suite Version 3.1 – User’s Manual – CleanEdit

EVS Broadcast Equipment – January 2011

Issue 3.1.B


3. In the upper group box, specify the following:

a. Tick the type of transition you want to apply

b. Type the number of frames the transition effect should last

c. Select the location of the transition around the clip joint.

4. For a cross fade, select whether you want to apply the effect at the beginning

of the clip (previous cut), or at the end of the clip (next cut) on which the

nowline is positioned.

5. Select the tracks on which you want to apply the transition effect.

6. Click Proceed.

9.2.7 A






To adjust manually audio transitions on a specific track, proceed as follows:

1. Click the Zoom button

located on the right hand side of the audio track

on which you want to adjust transitions.

2. In Zoom mode, identify the transition to modify.

3. Click the white nodes that correspond to the audio transition effect and move

them to graphically display the required transition.

9.2.8 R






You can also remove the previously defined transition effects by right-clicking the
track on which you want to remove the transition effects and selecting Audio
Transitions >
Clear All in the contextual menu.