T1 statistic and diagnostic commands, T1 statistic and diagnostic commands -65 – Netopia CLI 874 User Manual

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Motorola Netopia® Router CLI Commands 2-65

T1 Statistic and Diagnostic commands

show interface t1 id errors { current | interval 1..96 | total }

This command displays the error statistics for the specified T1 WAN inter face for a par ticular 15-minute inter val
during the previous 24-hour period, or the total for the past 24 hours. Specifying the keyword current displays
the error statistics for the current 15-minute inter val. Specifying the keyword interval followed by an integer
between 1 and 96 displays the error statistics for a prior 15-minute inter val. Inter val 1 is the most recently
completed 15-minute inter val, while inter val 96 is the inter val completed 23 hours and 45 minutes prior to
inter val 1. Specifying the keyword total displays the total error statistics for the last 24 hours.


#show interface t1 1 errors interval 1

15 minutes ending 16:32:44

Errored Seconds 001

Unavailable Seconds 000

Severely Errored Seconds 001

Bursty Errored Seconds 001

Loss of Frame Count 000

Bipolar Violation Count 001

#show interface t1 1 errors total

24 hours ending 16:32:44

Errored Seconds 001

Unavailable Seconds 000

Severely Errored Seconds 001

Bursty Errored Seconds 001

Loss of Frame Count 000

T1 Statistic and Diagnostic Commands

show interface t1 id errors { current | interval 1..96 | total }

interface t1 id diagnostic mode { local loopback | normal | remote loopback |
send { all ones | blue alarm | loopback } }

show interface t1 id diagnostic mode

show interface t1 id line status

show interface t1 id loopback mode

show interface t1 id loopback status