Netopia CLI 874 User Manual
Page 69

Motorola Netopia® Router CLI Commands 2-57
diffserv rule id priority [ off | assure | expedite ]
This command allows you to specify the priority for the rule id: off, assure, or expedite. This is the Quality of
Ser vice setting for the rule, based on the TOS bit information. The following table outlines the TOS bit settings
and behavior:
diffserv rule id direction [ outbound | inbound | both ]
This command allows you to specify the direction of the flow: outbound, inbound, or both. For TCP or UDP
protocols, you can optionally specify a range of por ts.
diffserv rule id start-port [ 0 - 49151 ]
This command allows you to specify the star ting por t in the range for the rule id for TCP or UDP protocols.
diffserv rule id end-port [ 0 - 49151 ]
This command allows you to specify the ending por t in the range for the rule id for TCP or UDP protocols.
diffserv rule id inside-ip x.x.x.x
This command allows you to specify the inside IP address for the rule id. For outbound flows, specify an IP
address on your LAN. For inbound flows, this setting is ignored.
diffserv rule id outside-ip y.y.y.y
This command allows you to specify the outside IP address for the rule id. If you want traffic destined for and
originating from a cer tain WAN IP address to be controlled, enter the IP address here. If you specify all-zeroes,
the outside address check is ignored.
For outbound flows, the outside address is the destination IP address for traffic; for inbound packets, the
outside address is the source IP address.
QoS Setting
TOS Bit Value
This custom rule is disabled. You can activate it by selecting one of
the two settings below. This setting allows you to pre-define flows
without actually activating them.
Use normal queuing and throughput rules, but do not drop packets
if possible. Appropriate for applications with no guaranteed deliver y
Use minimum delay. Appropriate for VoIP and video applications.