Netopia CLI 874 User Manual
Page 37

Motorola Netopia® Router CLI Commands 2-25
When the DHCP client is activated on a RFC1483 MER inter face, it examines the dhcp client mode in the
associated connection profile (or the default profile there was no explicitly configured connection profile). If the
dhcp client mode specifies standard, the DHCP client initializes the htype and hlen fields in the header of its
DHCP requests to the appropriate values for an RFC1483 MER inter face (htype = 1 and hlen = 6). If the dhcp
client mode specifies copper-mountain or cmn, the DHCP client initializes the htype and hlen fields in the
header of its DHCP requests to zero.
When the DHCP client is activated on an Ethernet WAN inter face, it examines the dhcp client mode in the
associated IP configuration structure, and behaves as described above for the RFC1483 MER DHCP client.
cmn is accepted as a synonym for copper-mountain.
interface ethernet id ip multicast-fwd { yes | no }
no interface ethernet id ip multicast-fwd
show interface ethernet id ip multicast-fwd
These commands allow you to set, disable, or show the multicast for warding behavior on the specified Ethernet
inter face.
interface ethernet id ip igmp-version { v1 | v2 | v3 }
show interface ethernet id ip igmp-version
These commands allow you to set or show the IGMP version to be used on the specified Ethernet inter face.
Beginning with Firmware version 8.7, v3 is the default.
interface ethernet id mac address { MAC-address | default }
show interface ethernet id mac address
The first command allows you to set the MAC Address for the specified inter face. You can return it to the default
by typing in a MAC Address consisting of all zeros or by typing default. The show command applies to the LAN
of all models, as well as the WAN on Ethernet WAN models.
interface ethernet id mode { autonegotiate | 100full | 100half | 10full | 10half |
100full-fixed | 100half-fixed | 10full-fixed | 10half-fixed }
show interface ethernet id mode
These commands are suppor ted beginning with firmware version 8.2.
These commands allow you to set or show the Ethernet speed and duplex configuration to be used on the
specified Ethernet inter face. These commands only apply to 3300-Series products, single por t Ethernet
inter face on either LAN or WAN. The default is auto-negotiation.