Netopia CLI 874 User Manual
Page 3

Chapter 1 — Introduction.......................................................... 1-1
New Commands in Firmware Version 8.7.4 ...................... 1-1
Syntax Notation ............................................................. 1-2
Inter face Naming Conventions ........................................ 1-3
Security (Configuration Access) ....................................... 1-3
Entering and Editing Commands...................................... 1-3
Online Help ................................................................... 1-5
Chapter 2 — Motorola Netopia® Router CLI Commands ............. 2-1
Configuration Access Commands .................................... 2-3
MAC Address Security Commands....................... 2-12
System Hear tbeat Configuration Commands .................. 2-13
Tiered Configuration Access Commands ........................ 2-15
Inter face Configuration Commands ............................... 2-16
Additional LAN configuration command ................ 2-16
Ethernet Inter face configuration commands ......... 2-18
Vir tual LAN (VLAN) configuration commands......... 2-36
NetBIOS configuration commands ....................... 2-41
Generic WAN Inter face configuration commands... 2-43
ISDN WAN Inter face configuration commands ...... 2-45
ADSL WAN Inter face configuration commands ...... 2-49
SDSL WAN Inter face configuration commands...... 2-51
Priority Queuing (TOS bit) Commands .................. 2-55
Differentiated Ser vices (Diffser v) commands....... 2-56
PVCs................................................................. 2-58
DSL Line Type Inter face Configuration Commands 2-61
T1 WAN Inter face configuration commands .......... 2-62
T1 Statistic and Diagnostic commands................ 2-65
Unprotected Ser vices Configuration Commands ............. 2-68