Differentiated services (diffserv) commands, Differentiated ser vices (diffser v) commands -56 – Netopia CLI 874 User Manual

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2-56 Command Line Interface Commands Reference

Differentiated Services (Diffserv) commands


The commands in this section are suppor ted beginning with Firmware Version 8.4.2.

diffserv enable [ yes | no ]

This command allows you to enable or disable Differentiated Ser vices (diffser v) for controlling Quality of
Ser vice (QoS) queue priority.

diffserv ratio [ 79 - 100 ]

This command allows you to set the low-high ratio to regulate the level of packets allowed to be pending in the
low priority queue.

diffserv rule id name string

This command allows you to create a custom rule specified by id with the name string. If your applications do
not provide Quality of Ser vice (QoS) control, rules allow you to define streams for some protocols, por t ranges,
and between specific end point addresses.

diffserv rule id protocol [ tcp | udp | icmp | other ]

This command allows you to specify the protocol for the rule id: tcp, udp, icmp, or other. other is appropriate
for rules on protocols with non-standard por t definitions. IPSEC and PPTP are common examples. If you specify
other protocol, you must provide its actual protocol number, with a range of 0 – 255.

Diffserv Configuration Commands

diffserv enable [ yes | no ]
diffserv ratio [ 79 - 100 ]
diffserv rule id name string
diffserv rule id protocol [ tcp | udp | icmp | other ]
diffserv rule id priority [ off | assure | expedite | reserve ]
diffserv rule id direction [ outbound | inbound | both ]
diffserv rule id start-port [ 0 - 49151 ]
diffserv rule id end-port [ 0 - 49151 ]
diffserv rule id inside-ip x.x.x.x
diffserv rule id outside-ip y.y.y.y