Netopia CLI 874 User Manual
Page 18

2-6 Command Line Interface Commands Reference
The preferences command allows you to customize cer tain aspects of the command line inter face. Preference
settings persist across restar ts, and are specific to the user name, if any, you used to authenticate yourself
before issuing the preferences command. If no users are defined, no authentication is required, and preference
settings are global.
date xx/yy/zz
show date
These commands allow you to set or display the current date for the router’s system clock.
The exit command terminates your current console session. If you are connected via telnet or a modem, the
connection will be closed. If you are logged in via the serial console, you will return to the command line or
menu-based console based on your default console setting. (See the preferences console default command on
.) In either case, you will be prompted either with a login prompt (if one or more users are defined), or
the initial prompt for the selected console inter face (if no users are defined).
preferences changes immediate { yes | no }
show preferences changes immediate
no preferences changes immediate
These commands allow you to specify whether or not WAN configuration changes will take effect immediately.
When you specify no, any changes you make to the WAN configuration (except NAT) will not take effect until the
router is reset.
The router will reboot immediately when the value of the changes immediate preference item changes.
No warning is given.
preferences check vci { yes | no }
This command is suppor ted beginning with firmware version 8.2.
This command allows you to set the VCI to any value in the CLI, menu, or SNMP. The ability to set a VCI to 0 –
31 is not normally permitted. This command allows you to override this check and allow a VCI of value 0 – 31.
preferences console default { menu | cli }
show preferences console default
The preferences console default command specifies the console inter face that will be presented to the user on
subsequent logins. When set to menu (the default), the user will be presented with the menu-based console
inter face on subsequent logins. When set to cli, the user will be presented with the command line console
inter face on subsequent logins. If the preferences console default command is issued and there are no users
defined, the setting will determine the console inter face that will be presented to all newly established console
sessions (via either the serial console por t or via telnet).