Pptp commands, Pptp commands -18 – Netopia CLI 874 User Manual
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3-18 Command Line Interface Commands Reference
PPTP commands
cp { name | index } pptp ip partner ip-addr
This command allows you to specify a PPTP par tner IP address for a par ticular connection profile specified by
name or index.
cp { name | index } pptp ip via ip-addr
This command allows you to specify a gateway by which the PPTP par tner IP address can be reached when the
par tner address is in the same subnet as the remote IP address.
If you do not specify the PPTP par tner IP address, the router will use the default gateway to reach the par tner. If
the par tner should be reached via an alternate por t (i.e. the LAN instead of the WAN), the Tunnel Via Gateway
field allows this path to be resolved.
cp { name | index } pptp authentication type { pap | chap | mschap }
This command allows you to specify a PPTP authentication type, PAP, CHAP, or MS-CHAP, for a par ticular
connection profile specified by name or index.
cp { name | index } pptp compression { none | standardlzs }
no cp { name | index } pptp compression
These commands allow you to specify or delete a PPTP compression algorithm, either none or Standard LZS, for
a par ticular connection profile specified by name or index.
cp { name | index } pptp encryption { none | mppe }
no cp { name | index } pptp encryption
These commands allow you to specify or delete a PPTP encr yption algorithm, either none or MPPE, for the
specified connection profile.
cp { name | index } pptp authentication { send | receive } name string
no cp { name | index } pptp authentication { send | receive } name
These commands allow you to set or delete the user name as an alphanumeric string that the specified
connection profile will use for PPTP authentication.
show cp { name | index } pptp authentication { send | receive } name
This command allows you to show the user name as an alphanumeric string that the specified connection
profile uses for PPTP authentication.
cp { name | index } pptp authentication { send | receive } password string
no cp { name | index } pptp authentication { send | receive } password
These commands allow you to set or delete the password as an alphanumeric string that the specified
connection profile will use for PPTP authentication.