Netopia CLI 874 User Manual

Page 54

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2-42 Command Line Interface Commands Reference

interface ethernet 0 address-serve netbios scope name domain-name
show interface ethernet 0 address-serve netbios scope name

These commands allow you to set or show the domain name under which the NetBIOS scope is enabled.

interface ethernet 0 address-serve netbios name-server enable { yes | no }
no interface ethernet 0 address-serve netbios name-server enable
show interface ethernet 0 address-serve netbios name-server enable

These commands allow you to set, delete, or show whether a NetBIOS name ser ver address is ser ved to
NetBIOS clients.

interface ethernet 0 address-serve netbios name-server address [secondary]
show interface ethernet 0 address-serve netbios name-server address

These commands allow you to set or show the IP address of the NetBIOS name ser ver.

If the keyword secondary is specified and there is no primar y WINS ser ver the command will be rejected as
CLI_NO_CFG_SUPPORT_ERR, with the error message "; error 2: not suppor ted with current configuration“.