Netopia CLI 874 User Manual
Page 38

2-26 Command Line Interface Commands Reference
interface ethernet id ip netbios proxy enable { yes | no }
no interface ethernet id ip netbios proxy enable
show interface ethernet id ip netbios proxy enable
These commands allow you to enable, disable, or show the NetBIOS proxy status for the specified Ethernet
inter face. The NetBIOS proxy enables the ability to for ward Windows Networking NetBIOS broadcasts. This is
useful for, for example, a Vir tual Private Network, in which you want to be able to browse the remote network to
which you are tunnelling, as par t of your Windows Network Neighborhood.
Routed connections, such as VPNs, can not use NetBEUI to carr y the Network Neighborhood information. They
need to use NetBIOS, because NetBEUI cannot be routed. This feature will allow browsing the Network
Neighborhood without any additional workstation configuration.
Microsoft Network browsing is available with or without a Windows Internet Name Ser vice (WINS)
ser ver. Shared volumes on the remote network are accessible with or without a WINS ser ver. Local LAN shared
volumes that have Por t Address Translation (PAT) applied to them are not available to hosts on the remote LAN.
For tunnelled traffic, NAT on the WAN has no effect on the Microsoft Networking traffic.
interface ethernet id address-serve dhcp enable { yes | no }
no interface ethernet id address-serve dhcp enable
show interface ethernet id address-serve dhcp enable
These commands allow you to enable, disable, or show the DHCP IP address ser ving behavior of the specified
Ethernet inter face. These commands do not affect the DHCP ser ver mode. Consequently, if the router is set to
DHCP relay these commands have no effect.
The show interface ethernet id address-serve dhcp command may also include the following keywords:
available, leased, offered, and reserved. These return the count of client IP addresses in their respective
show interface ethernet 0 address-serve dhcp report available
show interface ethernet 0 address-serve dhcp report leased
show interface ethernet 0 address-serve dhcp report offered
show interface ethernet 0 address-serve dhcp report reserved
interface ethernet id address-serve dhcp dns [ 1 | 2 ] ip-addr
This command is suppor ted beginning with firmware version 8.5.
This command allows you to specify the IP addresses of primar y and secondar y DNS ser vers ser ved to the
client for this inter face. If they are not specified, the globally configured (or derived) DNS addresses are ser ved
to the client instead.
These DNS addresses are not used internally by the router; the globally configured DNS addresses are used