Examples – HP R4.2 User Manual

Page 615

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Summary of Commands


UCS 1000 R4.2 Administration 585-313-507

Issue 3 April 2000 576


— feature licensing


— mean (average) data


— peak data


— time; used to specify how many minutes of data are summarized in

each report line. The value must be 5 to 60, in increments of 5 (for
example, 5, 10, or 15, and so on). The default is 20. To ensure valid data,
the value for -t should be equal to or greater than the time increment
specified for data collection by the spadc command.


— file; used to specify an input data file. If no -f argument is given, the

/var/adm/spa/mm-dd-yyyy file is used for the current day. If the data file
is not in /var/adm/spa, you must provide a full pathname to the input data


Note that values of “NA” in a report indicate that data was not available for
that period, for example, if spadc data collection was not active, or if the
system had to be rebooted. A value of zero indicates data collection was
activated but no activity occurred.

spar -ap

This command creates a report showing peak percent usage for the entire
board and for each of the different algorithms allocated to the board. A partial
sample output is shown below.