Examples of rules – HP R4.2 User Manual
Page 528
Summary of Commands
iCk, iCkAdmin
UCS 1000 R4.2 Administration 585-313-507
Issue 3 April 2000 489
were 0444, then the check would be to ensure that the file is
readable by anyone, but whether it is writable or executable is not of
interest. If on the other hand
was 0777, while
0444, then the check would be to ensure that the file is only readable and
must not be writable or executable by anyone. If a file fails to pass a
$fileCheck test, it is always reported. If the optional
is specified,
then this command is executed. The meta-words %f, %d, and %b are set
to the various parts of the file name for use in the command.
This special mark indicates the end of the rules. Anything beyond this
mark in the rules file is ignored.
Examples of Rules
$fileMax /etc/wtmp 360000 ~* * * 0 0~ reduce 36000
If the file /etc/wtmp exceeds 360,000 bytes, reduce it to 36,000 bytes.
Check the size of the file on the hour. (The structures in this file are
36 bytes in length and it must be an integral number of structures,
hence the chosen sizes.)
$fileCheck /etc/passwd - - f root - 0777 0444
Check only once. The /etc/passwd file should be owned by
and be
read-only to everyone.