Dbfree command options, The dbfrag command, The dbfrag command options – HP R4.2 User Manual

Page 289

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Database Administration

Monitoring the Database

UCS 1000 R4.2 Administration 585-313-507

Issue 3 April 2000 250

dbfree Command Options



option removes the column headers.

The dbfree Command Output

The dbfree program returns the following values:

0 — Success

1 — Processing error

The dbfrag

The dbfrag command is a shell script that reports on database allocation,
usage, and fragmentation. The block size reported is in ORACLE blocks
(2048 bytes). This command is useful to get a quick check on database
usage and provides a shell interface into some key ORACLE statistics. This
command only reports on information in the SYSTEM tablespace.

The dbfrag Command Options

The dbfrag command has two options:


reports the information in megabytes.

Example: # dbfrag -b


prints the listing without a header. This option is useful if you want to

parse the output to select a specific field.