Tool monitoring – HEIDENHAIN TNC 320 (34055x-06) Cycle programming User Manual
Page 334

Touch Probe Cycles: Automatic Workpiece Inspection
16.1 Fundamentals
TNC 320 | User's Manual Cycle Programming | 5/2013
Tool monitoring
For some cycles for workpiece inspection you can have the TNC
perform tool monitoring. The TNC then monitors whether
The tool radius should be compensated because of the
deviations from the nominal value (values in Q16x).
The deviations from the nominal value (values in Q16x) are
greater than the tool breakage tolerance.
Tool compensation
This function works only:
If the tool table is active.
If tool monitoring is switched on in the cycle
(enter a tool name or
Q330 unequal to 0). Select
the tool name input by soft key. The TNC no
longer displays the right single quotation mark.
If you perform several compensation measurements,
the TNC adds the respective measured deviation to
the value stored in the tool table.
The TNC always compensates the tool radius in the DR column of
the tool table, even if the measured deviation lies within the given
tolerance. You can inquire whether re-working is necessary via
parameter Q181 in the NC program (Q181=1: must be reworked).
For Cycle 427:
If an axis of the active working plane is defined as measuring
axis (Q272 = 1 or 2), the TNC compensates the tool radius as
described above. From the defined traversing direction (Q267)
the TNC determines the direction of compensation.
If the touch probe axis is defined as measuring axis (Q272 = 3),
the TNC compensates the tool length.