Lifetime of the internal battery, Changing the batteries, Change the kayak hd frame battery – Grass Valley Kayak HD Installation v.6.8.8 User Manual

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Kayak HD — Installation and Service Manual


Lifetime of the Internal Battery

Lifetime of the Internal Battery

Battery life of the Kayak HD internal battery is dependent on the operating
time of the switcher.

Table 11. Lifetime of the Internal Battery


If the switcher has a low battery and cannot save the date and time, a low-
battery warning displays in the Install System/Device screen as a yellow tri-
angle with an exclaimation point (!) in it. Touching on the yellow triangle will
display what type of warning it is, for example; battery, fan, power supply
warning, etc.

Changing the Batteries

Change the Kayak HD Frame Battery

CAUTION Operate the Kayak HD frame only with covers and enclosure panels in

place — Do not operate this product when covers or enclosure panels are


Be very careful when opening the Kayak HD frame door. Take precautions
to avoid electrical shock from components by following the safety precau-
tions described in detail in Warnings

on page 16

and in Cautions


page 17

. In particular you want to avoid the possibility of electrical shock

by powering down the system and unplugging all equipment before
working on internal components. In addition you should wear a grounding
strap to prevent electrical damage to sensitive electronic components.


Turn off all power to the frame before opening it.


Using a grounding strap, open the door to the Kayak HD frame and
remove the controller board.


GV #


1000 mA/h


CR 2477