Grass Valley Kayak HD Installation v.6.8.8 User Manual
Page 135

Kayak HD — Installation and Service Manual
Install Menus Reference
Figure 93. Install - Router - Select Options Menu
Definition of Areas
Areas create hierarchies within the Encore system and makes it easier
to group sources and destinations in a large system. Once an area is
defined, an area prefix is automatically assigned to each source and
destination in the area by the router engine. This allows, for example,
VTR_1 in the master control area to be named the same as a VTR_1 in
the production area. The area prefix is part of the system name and can
be displayed on certain panels. A user can configure up to 64 areas in
an Encore system, but only area 1 to 39 can be controlled from Kayak!
Typically, in most installations, a single area is used.
Selecting a Area Number
Enter the area number in two steps: First the tens column and than the
ones column. Touching the Modify button toggles the state from off/on
Areas 1 to 9 can be selected by touching the area0x button first and
than the respective area0 … 9 button
Areas 10 to 19 can be selected by touching the area1x button first
and than the respective area0 … 9 button
Areas 20 to 29 can be selected by touching the area2x button first
and than the respective area0 … 9 button
Areas 30 to 39 can be selected by touching the area3x button first
and than the respective area0 … 9 button