Web/map settings, Table 3.7, Web/map configuration options – RLE LD2100 V.2.6 User Manual
Page 37: 7 web/map settings
LD2100 User Guide
Web Interface
3.3.7 Web/Map Settings
Use this page to establish passwords and a username for the web interface, to customize the
web interface’s home page with your own graphics and links, and to create an interactive leak
detection map.
Figure 3.9
Web/Map Configuration Page
Web Username
Designate a username used to access the web interface.
Default username: ld2100
Web Password Read
Two separate passwords can be configured on the LD2100.
The Read Only password allows users to access the LD2100’s web
interface and view the conditions of the system, but does not allow
users to make changes to the LD2100’s configuration.
Default password: field is left blank (no password required)
Web Password
The second configurable password on the LD2100 provides users
with expanded access.
The Read/Write password allows users to view the conditions of the
system and make changes to the LD2100’s configuration.
Default password: field is left blank (no password required)
Table 3.7
Web/Map Configuration Options