DynaScan Indoor 360 Degree LED Video Display DS0808 User Manual

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5.7.10 Network Setting

This option provides network related settings for AP3’s DSPlayer, including; the

setting of port, remote publish, login user name, ECU firewall and Dynamic IP. General

Network Control Enable

It enables or disables the network control function. The default is set to

enable. If disabled, the network control functions will be unusable.

Listen Port

Remote State: This port needs to be connected to grant viewable remote

access to the state of the player. The default is 2266.

ECU Function: This is the communication port for the ECU function. The

default is 2267.

Remote Publish

The function sets the DSPlayer to execute remote publish and connects to the

Server for file transfers. It also sets up the Client connection for executing

file reception and file transfer.

Client IP: It sets the IP address used by Client for file transfer. The default is