Potter PFC-4410RC User Manual
Page 80

PFC-4410RC • 5403550 • REV Q • 11/12
Press the bottom button to skip to the next function.
If a zone has not been programmed as MANUAL RELEASE, skip to the next programming step.
If a zone has been programmed as MANUAL RELEASE, the following will appear in the display window after choosing an
alarm zone pre-discharge time:
Pre-Discharge timer for MANUAL RELEASE zones
A time delay of 0-30 seconds can be entered to delay the activation of the release circuit. The pre-discharge timer starts when the
manual release zone has been activated. Pressing the middle button increases the time delay by one second. Pressing the middle
button after 30 seconds is displayed will start the timer over at 0.
Press the top button to set the time displayed.
Press the middle button to increase the time by one second.
Press the bottom button to skip to the next function.
After choosing an alarm zone pre-discharge time, the following will appear in the display window:
Abort Modes
The abort function is used to stop the release circuit from activating. Activation of the abort circuit will create a trouble condition.
URI – Activation of the abort circuit stops the pre-discharge timer at 10 seconds. If there is less than 10 seconds remaining, the
timer goes back to 10 seconds. Releasing the abort button restarts the timer at 10 seconds. Activate again to repeat.
IRI – This mode, only functions if the release circuit is cross zoned. The IRI mode has the same functions as
the ULI mode except the abort button must be pressed and held before the second zone necessary for the activation of the
release circuit goes into alarm. Activation of the abort after the second alarm is received will have no effect. If the release
circuit is not cross zoned, operation of the abort circuit in the IRI mode will not stop the release circuit.
NYC – This mode is not UL listed. This is a one shot function. Activation of the abort circuit will add 90 seconds to the original
pre-discharge time. The countdown with the additional 90 seconds will begin when the abort button is released. Pressing
the abort button again will have no effect.
30-Second Abort – Activation of the abort circuit will stop the pre-discharge timer at 30 seconds. If there is less than 30
seconds remaining, the timer goes back to 30 seconds. Releasing the abort button re-starts the timer. Activate again to
Pre-discharge Timer for Alarm Zones
A time delay of 0-60 seconds can be entered to delay the activation of the release circuit. The pre-discharge timer starts when all
of the zones necessary for the operation of the release circuit have been activated. Pressing the middle button increases the time
delay by one second. Pressing the middle button after 60 seconds is displayed will start the timer over at 0.
Press the top button to set the time displayed.
Press the middle button to increase the time by one second.
P R E - D I S C H A R G E
T Y P E :