Potter PFC-4410RC User Manual
Page 10

PFC-4410RC • 5403550 • REV Q • 11/12
Control Buttons
• Signal Silence - Momentary, silences signaling circuits, (except those activated by zones programmed as WATERFLOW)
• System Reset - Momentary, resets all alarm circuits if condition has been corrected, removes power from initiating device
• Scroll Up - Scrolls LCD display to most recent events
• Scroll Down - Scrolls LCD display to previous events
NOTE: Buzzer silence is accomplished by scrolling through all events.
Circuit Parameters (All voltages regulated DC) - Initiating Device Circuits
Initiating Device Zones: For connection of dry contact initiating devices and compatible 2 wire smoke detectors. (All values nominal)
• 4 Class B, Style B (Class A Style D module available)
• Power limited, current limited to protect 2 wire smoke detectors
• Maximum 2 wire 24VDC smoke detector load per zone - 2.5 mA (Use only detectors that are listed in compatibility list.)
• Maximum Line resistance - 100 ohms (Except linear heat detection cable, 700 ohms per zone)
• End-of-Line Resistance - 5.1K ohm
• Normal standby current - approximately 4.0 mA
• Standby voltage - 25VDC maximum, 13.4 minimum
• Maximum short circuit current - approximately 36mA
• Maximum Impedance for Alarm - 1400 ohms
• Normal supervisory current - approximately 4mA
• Low current trouble activation - approximately 3.3mA
• Alarm activation current - approximately 10mA
• Ripple voltage - .4VDC
• Maximum operating voltage range: 22.5 - 25.9VDC
• Frequency - continuous
Dedicated Supervisory Zone
• For dry contact supervisory devices such as tamper, low air, or high air switches
• 2 Class B Style B circuit, latching
• Power limited, current limited
• End-of-Line resistance - 5.1K ohms
• Ripple Voltage - .1VDC
• Frequency - continuous
• Maximum voltage - 25VDC
• Maximum short circuit current - approximately 36mA
• Maximum line resistance - 100 ohms
• Normal supervisory current - approximately 4mA
• Low current trouble activation - approximately 3.3mA
• Supervisory current condition - approximately 10mA
Notification/Release Circuits
The indicating circuits of the PFC-4410RC are Non-coded. This allows the use of visual and audible appliances on the same
circuit. If temporal notification appliances are required for evacuation, selectable tone appliances such as the AMSECO H24WR
horn or SH24W Series strobe/horns or a temporal module such as AMSECO TMP1-3A or equivalents shall be used.
The notification outputs do not provide synchronization. See table for sync options and devices on page 89. The notification ap-
pliances shall be compatible with the sync module selected. The sync' module shall be installed as per manufacturers instructions.
Synchronization is limited to only one circuit and not between circuits. Systems intended for the release of Halon 1301 as de-
scribed in NFPA 12A, or clean agents as described in NFPA 2001, shall have provision for a pre-discharge notification circuit. If
the signal is required to be separate and/or distinct from the evacuation signal, two notification circuits are required. One shall be
programmed as FIRST ALARM. It will provide a steady output upon activation of any initiating zone programmed as an alarm
zone. This is the evacuation signal. If a temporal signal is required, notification appliances such as AMSECO model H24WR or
others that can produce a temporal tone shall be used. This allows the use of strobes and horns on the same circuit. The other no-
tification circuit shall be programmed as SECOND ALARM. It will provide a steady output upon activation of a second initiating
zone programmed as an alarm zone. This is when the pre-discharge timer would start and would be the pre-discharge signal. If a
temporal or other type of signal is required, notification appliances such as AMSECO model H24WR or equivalent shall be used.
This allows the use of strobes and horns on the same circuit. If a separate signal for discharge were required, a third notification