Related documentation – Cisco OL-21636-01 User Manual

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Cisco IP Solution Center L2VPN and Carrier Ethernet User Guide, 6.0


About This Guide

Chapter 3, “Creating a FlexUNI/EVC Ethernet Policy,”

provides information on creating a

FlexUNI/EVC policy.

Chapter 4, “Managing a FlexUNI/EVC Ethernet Service Request,”

provides information on

creating, deploying, monitoring, and saving FlexUNI/EVC service requests.

Chapter 5, “Creating a FlexUNI/EVC ATM-Ethernet Interworking Policy,”

provides information on

creating a FlexUNI/EVC ATM-Ethernet Interworking policy.

Chapter 6, “Managing a FlexUNI/EVC ATM-Ethernet Interworking Service Request,”


information on creating, deploying, monitoring, and saving FlexUNI/EVC ATM-Ethernet
Interworking service requests.

Chapter 7, “Creating an L2VPN Policy,”

provides information on creating an L2VPN policy.

Chapter 8, “Managing an L2VPN Service Request,”

provides information on creating, deploying,

monitoring, and saving a L2VPN service requests.

Chapter 9, “Creating a VPLS Policy,”

provides information on creating a VPLS policy.

Chapter 10, “Managing a VPLS Service Request,”

provides information on creating, deploying,

monitoring, and saving VPLS service requests.

Chapter 11, “Deploying, Monitoring, and Auditing Service Requests,”

provides information on how

to deploy, manage and audit service requests, and how to access task logs.

Chapter 12, “Using Autodiscovery for L2 Services,”

provides an overview of L2 service discovery.

Chapter 13, “Generating L2 and VPLS Reports,”

provides information on how to set up, run, and

format L2 and VPLS reports.

Appendix A, “Sample Configlets,”

provides sample configlets for various network scenarios.

Appendix B, “Working with Templates and Data Files,”

provides information about using templates

and data files in ISC policies and service requests.

Appendix C, “Setting Up VLAN Translation,”

provides information on how to set up VLAN

translation for L2VPN ERS services.

Appendix D, “Terminating an Access Ring on Two N-PEs,”

describes how to terminate an access

ring on two N-PEs.

Appendix E, “ISC Layer 2 VPN Concepts,”

provides an overview of the major concepts that

structure the ISC L2VPN or VPLS service.


Related Documentation

The entire documentation set for Cisco IP Solution Center, can be accessed at:

or at:


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line separately to get the entire URL without a break.

The following documents comprise the ISC documentation set: