System security screen – Dell PowerEdge T605 User Manual

Page 53

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Using the System Setup Program


System Security Screen

Table 2-8 lists the options and descriptions for the information fields that
appear on the System Security screen.


Systems shipping in China are not equipped with TPM.

Table 2-8.

System Security Screen Options



System Password

Displays the current status of your system's password
security feature and allows you to assign and verify a new
system password.


See "Using the System Password" on page 56 for

instructions on assigning a system password and using or
changing an existing system password.

Setup Password

Restricts access to the System Setup program in the same
way that you restrict access to your system using the
system password feature.


See "Using the Setup Password" on page 59 for

instructions on assigning a setup password and using or
changing an existing setup password.

Password Status

Setting the Setup Password option to Enabled prevents
the system password from being changed or disabled at
system start-up.

To lock the system password, assign a setup password in
the Setup Password option and then change the Password
Status option to Locked. In this state, you cannot change
the system password using the System Password option
and it cannot be disabled at system start-up by pressing

To unlock the system password, enter the setup password
in the Setup Password field and then change the
Password Status option to Unlocked. In this state, you
can disable the system password at system start-up by
pressing and then change the password
using the System Password option.