Airport list features – Jeppesen JeppView 3 User Manual
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JeppView User's Guide
Airport List Features
The Airport List contains all the airports with terminal charts available in your
JeppView coverage area. The Airport List is the primary method for working with
your airports and their respective terminal charts.
Open and close the Airport List by clicking View > Airport List or pressing
CTRL+SHIFT+L. A check mark next to the menu command indicates that the list is
currently displayed. Click to add or remove the check mark, and hide or show the
The Airport List enables you to:
• Sort the airports by distance from another airport or navaid (see
View a list of terminal charts
for each airport in your subscription.
in view for each airport, based on your selected criteria.
terminal chart effective dates
additional airport terminal charts to be printed with your Trip Kit
Distinguish between IFR and European VFR Airports
VFR subscriptions).