Printing on both sides, Printer guidelines, Page settings – Jeppesen JeppView 3 User Manual

Page 210

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Manual subscription. Terminal Procedures are available in the Print dialog box if you
are printing either a RoutePack or an airport.


Printing Terminal Charts

Page Settings

You can select whether to print two charts per page, choose appropriate print layouts
for pre-punched Jeppesen paper, or print a booklet of charts. You can also choose to
print on both sides of the paper, if your printer has this capability.

Printing on Both Sides

Print on both sides enables duplex printing, if your printer and print driver support
it. This option is grayed out if your printer does not have duplex printing capability.

Select Print on both sides and JeppView automatically sets your printer to duplex
printing mode.

Printer Guidelines

Many Jeppesen enroute and terminal charts include complex or dense graphical
information that exceeds the capabilities of some printers. Due to the demanding
print requirements associated with JeppView, some printers or printer configurations
(drivers) have proven inaccurate. The following guidelines may be helpful:

• Use the latest printer driver available for your printer. Since drivers are

frequently upgraded, contact the printer manufacturer by phone or check
their web site to find the latest driver. The following are links to some popular
printer manufacturer's web sites:











• Many print problems, especially problems in which the entire image has not

printed, are due to inadequate printer memory. For JeppView, use the
following guidelines:


Printers that load a full page of data into the printer memory, such as
Postscript and HP-GL/2 printers, require at least 2.5MB-3MB of printer
memory. Many printer manufacturers recommend 6MB printer memory for
complex graphics, especially when printing at 600 dpi.


Some printers, such as many inkjet and color printers, load individual
bands of data into printer memory. These printers are commonly delivered
from the manufacturer with more than enough printer memory.

• In some cases, changing the printer properties improves printing

performances or eliminates problems. Try the following options (if they are
supported in the printer driver):