Deleting a routepack, Deleting a routepack before being saved to disk, Deleting a routepack file from disk – Jeppesen JeppView 3 User Manual

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JeppView User's Guide


• Right-click the RoutePack and choose Save.

• Select the RoutePack and click the Save button in the Standard toolbar.

To save a RoutePack under a different name, do either of the following:

• Select the RoutePack and click File > Save As.

• Right-click the RoutePack and choose Save As.

To save multiple RoutePacks at one time:

1. Right-click a blank area within the RoutePack List window.

2. Choose Save All Modified RoutePacks from the shortcut menu.


By default, RoutePacks are saved in the following locations depending on your
setup and operating system:

• C:\Users\[user profile]\Jeppesen\Common\RoutePack (Windows Vista)

• C:\Program Files\Jeppesen\Common\RoutePack (Windows 2000 and XP)

• C:\Jeppesen\Common\RoutePack (Windows 2000 and XP)

Deleting a RoutePack

You can delete a new RoutePack that has yet to be saved to your hard drive or other
media, and delete a RoutePack that has already been saved to your computer or
other media.

Deleting a RoutePack Before Being Saved to Disk

If you created a RoutePack and have not saved it, you can delete the RoutePack
from the RoutePack List window using one the following methods:

• Close JeppView and click No when asked if you would like to save the


• Select the RoutePack in the RoutePack List and press the DELETE key. Click

No when asked if you would like to save the RoutePack.

Deleting a RoutePack File from Disk

To delete a saved RoutePack:

1. Open the Load RoutePack dialog box by doing either of the following:

• Click File > Load.

• Right-click an open space in the RoutePack List window and choose


• Press CTRL+O.

3. Delete the RoutePack file by doing either of the following: