Jeppesen JeppView 3 User Manual
Page 171

JeppView User's Guide
The NOTAMS View provides access to the terminal chart NOTAMs for the airports and
countries in your coverage area. NOTAMs are automatically updated with your
terminal chart revisions.
To open the NOTAMS View:
1. Click the NOTAMS tab.
2. Select an airport in the RoutePack List or the Airport List.
• The chart NOTAMS for the selected airport, as well as the airport’s
country, display in the view.
• If no chart NOTAMS exist for the airport, the title in the View displays
No Chart NOTAMS for [Airport ID].
Terminal chart NOTAMS for the selected airport, as well as the airport’s country,
appear in the main view window. If no chart NOTAMs exist for the airport, JeppView
displays the message No Chart NOTAMS for [airport].
If a RoutePack was created (or updated) with a more recent version of JeppView and
transferred to another computer that does not have the same data installed, the
airport information and terminal charts in the RoutePack might be newer than that
displayed for the enroute chart NOTAMS in the Text View. Jeppesen recommends you
update all systems containing JeppView to the latest data.