Filtering terminal charts in the routepack, Filtering, Terminal charts in the routepack – Jeppesen JeppView 3 User Manual
Page 195: Filtering terminal charts in the, Routepack, Filtering terminal charts in, The routepack, Filtering terminal charts, In the routepack

JeppView User's Guide
Filtering Terminal Charts in the RoutePack
A terminal chart filter enables you to select particular types of terminal charts to be
included in your RoutePack or route, including your departure or destination airport.
This feature eliminates unwanted charts in the RoutePack or your print job. You can
filter terminal charts for a RoutePack, route, or airport in the RoutePack List. After
the settings are in place, the filters automatically work for newly created RoutePacks
and can be implemented on established RoutePacks.
This filter enables you to set your preferences once and leave the
RoutePack filter on for all future RoutePacks. To manually choose the
terminal charts to be printed with your RoutePack, see
Selecting Terminal Charts in your RoutePack
Setting the Chart Types for Departure, Destination, and Alternate
To filter terminal charts for a RoutePack, route, or airport in the RoutePack List:
1. Open the Detailed Chart Filter Settings dialog box by doing one of the
• Click Edit > Chart Type Filter.
• Click Filter in the RoutePack List window.