Airport filters – Jeppesen JeppView 3 User Manual
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Using the Enroute Chart
Use the Display Filters tab to limit the airports and obstacles shown in the Enroute
Charts View. To filter airports and obstacles displayed in the Enroute Charts View:
1. Right-click an open area in the Enroute Charts view, and choose Properties
from the shortcut menu.
2. In the chart Properties dialog box, click the Display Filters tab.
Airport Filters
You can filter airports according to characteristics and runway length as well as fuel
and services. To declutter the screen, JeppView automatically hides some airports
depending on the zoom level (scale) of the chart. The first airports to be hidden are
those with smaller runway lengths. The enroute chart filters for airports described
here does not affect airport filters set in the RoutePack List or Airport List.
The Only show airports that options display airports with the characteristics listed.
More than one check box may be selected.
The Have a Minimum Runway Length options display airports according to their
runway length. Click either of the following:
• The Variable Based on Scale option displays airports depending on the
zoom scale of the display. As you zoom in, the airports with shorter runways
• The Fixed option displays airports with the minimum specified runway length
at all zoom levels. Any airport with a runway length less than that value does
not display.
The Have These Fuel Types / Services section display airports with the fuel types
and services that are selected. When no fuel types or services are selected, all
airports appear (as other filters apply).