Removing terminal charts from the routepack, Manually, Selecting terminal charts in your routepack – Jeppesen JeppView 3 User Manual

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JeppView User's Guide


destination, or alternate airports, as well as those for other enroute airports in a

1. Do one of the following:

• Click Edit > Chart Type Filter.

• Click Filter in the RoutePack List window.

• Click Filter in the Airport List window and select Detailed Chart

Filter Settings.

2. In the Default tab, select the desired types of charts and click OK.

3. Choose one of the following actions:

• Right-click the selected airport(s) and choose Reset to Current

Airport List Filters.

• Right-click the RoutePack and choose Reset to Current Chart Type


Manually Selecting Terminal Charts in Your RoutePack

Instead of setting a filter on the RoutePack to display certain terminal charts, as
discussed in

Filtering Terminal Charts in the RoutePack

, you can manually remove

and select specific terminal charts by utilizing the delete function. This is useful to
ensure that you are not missing any terminal charts that might have been hidden by
the filtering system.

Removing Terminal Charts From the RoutePack

If no

RoutePack filters


Terminal Charts filters

are in place, you receive all available

terminal charts in your RoutePack.

Deleting terminal charts from an Airport in the RoutePack List essentially hides them,
so they are not printed. They can easily reappear by resetting the RoutePack, route,