Opening and closing the routepack list, Creating a routepack, Create – Jeppesen JeppView 3 User Manual

Page 177: Routepack, Create a new routepack

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JeppView User's Guide


8. Enter the RoutePack Name and Route Name fields, or use the default


9. To complete the RoutePack, click Finish.

The new RoutePack and route display in the RoutePack List and graphically on the
Enroute Charts View as a blue solid line.

Opening and Closing the RoutePack List

By default, the RoutePack List box appears on the left of the screen, but you can
close, reopen,

undock and move


To close the RoutePack List box, do any of the following:

• Click View > RoutePack List and uncheck RoutePack List.

• Press CTRL+L.

• Click the X in the upper right corner of the RoutePack List box.

To reopen the RoutePack List box, do any of the following:

• Click View > RoutePack List and uncheck RoutePack List.

• Press CTRL+L.

• Click View > Reset List Windows. This returns the RoutePack List, Airport

List windows, and the toolbars to their

default locations


See also:

Arranging List Windows

Creating a RoutePack