Jeppesen JeppView 3 User Manual
Page 196

RoutePacks and Route Planning
• Click Filter in the Airport List window and select Detailed Chart
Filter Settings.
The Departure, Destination, and Alternates tabs contain the same
selection of chart types, but they apply to a different part of your route. The
Default tab applies to the Airport List and can be applied to any enroute
airports you have in your RoutePack.
2. Select (or clear) the desired charts on the Departure, Destination, and
Alternates tabs.
Subcategories are available under most of the terminal chart options. These
subcategories enable you to select specific criteria. Click the plus sign (+) to
the left of the check box to expand the list. A dimmed check box means that
additional filtering criteria are set within that category. In the example above,
check boxes for one or more types of airport charts have been cleared.
Select Include terminal charts matching the Departure filter... if you
would like a duplicate set of charts for the Alternate route departure (the
alternate departure is the same as the main route destination airport).
3. When finished, click OK.
After the filters have been set, the RoutePack List window displays an active status
indicating filters are in place.