Printing airport charts and information, Airport information, Print – Jeppesen JeppView 3 User Manual

Page 222: Airport print job

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Jeppesen Paper (2 up) prints to Jeppesen 8.5-by-11-inch paper
with 7-hole punches down the center and edge (Jeppesen part #
AJV33003) for placement in Jeppesen binders.


Jeppesen Paper (1 up) prints to Jeppesen 8.5-by-11-inch paper
with 7-hole punches down the left and right edges showing one
chart upside down (Jeppesen part # AJV33002) for placement in
Jeppesen binders.


Booklet prints charts in a sequence that allows you to fold all the
printed sheets in the middle and place the charts in an 8.5-by-5-
inch binder. Oversize charts, such as certain arrival procedures for
large airports are printed separately for easier handling.

Print on both sides is required for the Booklet option and is available

only if your printer supports duplex printing. JeppView automatically
detects duplex printing capability and sets your printer accordingly.


Avoid wasting paper by selecting Print Preview to see how the different
print options look.

Printing Airport Charts and Information

Together with terminal charts, you can print a Revision Letter, NOTAMS, and airport
information in a single step. You control printing using the Printing [Airport] dialog


To expand large European VFR Area charts over many pages other than
being scaled to a single page, click Tools > Options and select the
Allow large charts to be divided into smaller sizes check box on
the Printing tab.

To print charts and airport information for one or more airports:

1. Select the desired airport or airports using

multiple select

the Airport List or

RoutePack List.

2. Open the Printing [Airport] dialog box by doing any of the following:

• Right-click a selected airport and choose Print from the shortcut


• Click the Print drop-down menu on the Standard toolbar and choose

Print '[Airports:charts]' in Airport List or Print ‘[Airports]’ in
RoutePack List.

• Click File > Print > Print '[Airports:charts]' in Airport List or

Print ‘[Airports]’ in RoutePack List.

3. In the Terminal Procedures section of the Printing [Airport] dialog box,

select the information that you want to print.

• The Revision Letter option prints a list of charts that have been

modified (added, deleted, or revised) in the last revision cycle.