Airport right-click menu in the airport list, Airport – Jeppesen JeppView 3 User Manual
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JeppView User's Guide
Right-click menus provide quick access to many JeppView features throughout the
program. For Airport List items, the menu options change depending on whether you
• A
Airport Right-Click Menu in the Airport List
The following table briefly describes the right-click menu for airports in the Airport
List. If a keyboard shortcut is available for an action, it will be annotated in
parentheses. For the keyboard shortcut to work, the item that would normally be
right-clicked must be selected.
Copy (CTRL+C)
Creates a copy of the airport in the Clipboard. If more
than one airport is selected, the system copies all
selected airports (and all accompanying terminal charts)
and makes them available to paste into a RoutePack.
Opens the Print dialog box allowing you to print the
terminal charts associated with the selected airport. If
more than one airport is selected, JeppView prints charts
for all selected airports.
Add to
Adds the airport to the Favorite Airports list by selecting
the check box to the left of the airport in the Airport List.
If the airport is already a Favorite Airport and you want to
remove it, choose Remove From Favorites to clear the
favorites check box.
Add terminal charts
Adds the selected airport and its associated charts to the
selected RoutePack Other Charts folder. (Available only
when a RoutePack has been created.)
Show Distance
from Here
Calculates the distance from the selected airport to every
other airport in the Airport List, and re-sorts the list from
nearest to farthest.