Jeppesen JeppView 3 User Manual

Page 70

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Using the Enroute Chart


connection. Check your current version number and data effective dates by selecting
Help > About JeppView. The About JeppView dialog box contains your serial
number, program version, and information about your data (effective dates,
coverage area, expiration dates, and cycle/disk number). You might want to check to
see if your data is still current before checking for updates; however it is not
necessary. Downloads appear in the list only if they update what you already have
on your hard drive. To obtain Internet updates, you need access to TCP/IP port

1. Connect to the Internet.

2. In JeppView, click Get Update in the Warning message that displays when

JeppView starts, or click File > Check for Updates.


If you would like to check for updates without starting JeppView, you
can do an update by clicking Start > Programs > Jeppesen >

JeppView3 > JeppView3 UpdateClient.

3. If the UpdateClient presents a list of programs, select the appropriate



If you have more than one Jeppesen software application that uses the
activation system, a dialog box appears asking which product you would

like to check for updates. Select JeppView and click OK.

4. When your program information displays (serial number, site key, and site

code), click Next.

The UpdateClient connects to the Jeppesen server, checks your connection,
and compares your current data to the most recent data available on the

5. In the Select Update Option dialog box, select each item you would like to


If you already have the latest of any data set, the option for that item is
grayed out and you cannot select it. The notes at the bottom of the Select
Update Option dialog box indicate whether you have the latest version of each
data set.

6. After you have made your selections, click OK.