Jeppesen JeppView 3 User Manual

Page 168

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Working with Terminal Charts


To open the Default tab:

1. Do one of the following:

• Click Edit > Chart Type Filter.

• Click Filter in the Airport List window and select Detailed Chart

Filter Settings.

• Click Filter in the RoutePack List window.

2. In the Detailed Chart Filter Settings dialog box, click the Default tab.

To view more detailed filter criteria, click the plus sign (+) to expand the criteria for
a terminal chart category. If a check box is dimmed, it means that additional filtering
criterion is set within that category.


The RNAV (GNSS) approaches can be filtered by clearing or selecting the
RNAV (GPS) option in the detailed chart type filter.

The detailed filters works in conjunction with the quick selection terminal charts on
the Filter menu. For example, when categories under Approach are cleared in the
Detailed Chart Filter Settings dialog box, a dark gray check mark appears next to the
Show Approach Charts selection in the Filter menu to indicate that additional
filtering is in effect.